
4 Places You Didn't Realize You Needed Massage Therapy


For many people, the concept of massage therapy calls to mind a shoulder and back massage. However, massage therapy has a lot more to offer than just neck and back rubs. Here are a few of the different body parts that may need massage therapy even if you don't realize it. 1. Your hands Although many of the muscles that control your fingers are in your forearm, the hands do contain muscles as well.

17 May 2021

3 Ways To Fight Back Against Back Pain


If you are experiencing back pain, you don't just want to ignore it. You are going to want to take steps to help mitigate the back pain you are experiencing. 1. Find a Chiropractor First, you are going to want to find a chiropractor to work with. A chiropractor will help evaluate your back and determine where the source of your back pain is located. They will be able to let you know what is causing your back pain, such as a disk that is out of place, muscles that are strained, or tension in your shoulders.

23 February 2021

How To Address Your Lower Back Pain


That twinge that you feel in your lower back might be a bad omen. Hopefully, it's a one-off ache that you can take care of with a little bit of rest. If it's chronic pain or more severe pain, you have to take care of it with more discretion and professional help. In this article, you can learn more about addressing lower back pain with treatments and care that will work.

18 January 2021

Getting Professional Healing Through Physical Rehabilitation Treatment


Physical therapy can be difficult when you are trying to come back from an injury. Whether you have to heal from a car accident injury or a sports injury, your healing depends on your own active participation in every physical therapy session. This, however, makes the process more rewarding, because you get to rebuild your body with every effort, one bead of sweat at a time. To get the fastest and most holistic healing, you need to find physical rehabilitation and treatment centers that show character, professionalism, and competency.

7 January 2021

Chiropractic Treatment Options For Neck Pain


Chiropractors sometimes get the reputation of being fancy back crackers, but they actually know and do a whole lot more than that. When you see a chiropractor, they make an evaluation of your condition, and then they can utilize any number of treatments and protocols based on their findings. Here are some of the treatments a chiropractor may employ if you come to them with complaints or neck pain. Flexion-Distraction

6 January 2021

How A Chiropractors Can Treat Rotator Cuff Injuries After Car Accidents


The rotator cuff is a capsule made up of four tendons that hold your upper arm bone in the shoulder socket. The rotator cuff helps you rotate and move your arm in a circle. A rotator cuff injury is a common issue after a car accident. Read on to learn more about rotator cuff injuries and how a chiropractor can help. Why Are Rotator Cuff Injuries Common in Car Accidents?

19 October 2020

3 Ways a Chiropractor Can Help You Treat Tennis Elbow


Do you play a sport like golf or tennis? If so, you could be at risk for lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow. Tennis elbow occurs when the muscles and tendons in the forearm and wrist become inflamed from overuse. You might experience pain, weakness, and/or numbness in your forearm or wrist if you have tennis elbow. While some rest and icing can help tennis elbow go away, some athletes have a hard time shaking their symptoms because their regular practices causes repetitive stress to the injury.

21 September 2020

Alternative Treatment Options For Your Depression


If you are struggling with depression, know that you are not alone. There are millions of people with clinical depression across the country and all of them are, like you, feeling alone and weary of their mental health condition. Many people have trouble with Western medicine solutions to depression, namely prescription antidepressants. These medications may not work for them or may cause numerous side effects (or just might be only semi-effective).

14 September 2020

Using Chiropractic Treatment To Ease Muscle Pain During Advanced Pregnancy


As beautiful as the pregnancy journey can be, expectant mothers face many different challenges along the way. The weight of a growing fetus can be heavy on mothers. During advanced pregnancy, some expectant women may complain of muscle pain in many different parts of the body. Pregnant mothers particularly experience back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain. There are several treatment options for such discomfort. While some may choose to take painkillers or other types of medicine, chiropractic treatment is a powerful tool for relieving back pain.

5 August 2020

Stop Relying On Medication Alone And Go See A Chiropractor


Chronic, constant back pain can make it nearly impossible to stay focused on your job or your other day to day responsibilities. Most body pain can be temporarily treated by popping a few pills, but if your back pain keeps returning, you are going to need a better solution than just increasing your dosage. If your anguish truly will not go away, the best solution may be a local chiropractor for back pain.

29 July 2020